một bức tượng nhỏ trong vườn thiền
Hình ảnh của Eric Michelat

Con đường thức tỉnh của mỗi người là khác nhau, và sự thật là không có con đường cố định nào cả, vì mỗi người trong chúng ta là duy nhất. Theo cùng một cách, sẽ không có hai người nào yêu cầu mức độ trợ giúp hoặc hỗ trợ như nhau để hướng tới sự kết hợp thiêng liêng với thiêng liêng bên trong.

When I began to awaken, I had no reference points for what was happening to me, and there were many times when I felt totally alone and unsupported. This often led to me feeling completely out of balance and off-kilter, which would then lead to a spiral of depression and sometimes panic attacks and severe anxiety. It didn’t help that I was all alone in a strange, new, big city when it really began to switch on. At times, I thought I was having a nervous breakdown or losing my mind.

I know first hand what it is like to feel utterly alone in these strange times, so I would like to share some of the bizarre, zany, and sometimes quite frightening experiences I have had in the hope that it will help normalize the experience of awakening symptoms a little more for you.

Symptoms of Enlightenment

In no particular order, here is my list of just some of the physical, emotional, and spiritual symptoms I encountered:

  • Seeing repeated “signs” in the form of physical images in my daily reality, especially in response to questions inside my own mind
  • Sudden interest in symbolism, sacred geometry, and numbers, such as seeing double numbers, 11.11, and so forth
  • Điện giật
  • Chứng đau nửa đầu
  • Body spasms
  • Energy surges up the spine
  • Electrical surges in the nervous system
  • Powerful visions
  • Heightened empathy
  • Spontaneous tears and emotional release
  • Đổ mồ hôi đêm
  • Unexplained pains
  • Các triệu chứng giống như cúm
  • Khó thở
  • Excessive yawning and burping
  • Diarrhoea and physical cleansing and purging
  • Các cơn cảm thấy hoảng loạn
  • Feeling ungrounded, dizzy, and floaty
  • Heightened psychic ability
  • Astral travel, waking up floating outside the body or being pulled out of the body or bed by another force during sleep
  • New abilities switching on, such as channelling, psychic surgery, remote viewing, ESP, clairvoyance, clairaudience, and so on
  • Mất ngủ
  • Cực kỳ mệt mỏi
  • Extreme spikes of energy and joy
  • Thay đổi thèm ăn
  • Random food intolerances
  • Eyesight and hearing changes, such as ringing in the ears, blurred vision
  • Tim đập nhanh
  • Developing new phobias
  • Irrational and extreme fears arising
  • Experience of psychic attack
  • Vivid or lucid dreams
  • Nâng cao khả năng sáng tạo
  • Desire to try new things and learn new skills
  • Intolerance for harsh and aggressive people and environments
  • Intolerance for cruelty
  • Unexplained loneliness
  • Unexplained self-hatred alongside new heights of self-love
  • Extreme experience of duality
  • Urge to travel to random places or just knowing I have to be somewhere and do something without a logical reason tại sao
  • Spontaneous past-life memories resurfacing
  • Visitations from Angels and light beings
  • Feeling super-connected to nature and all life
  • Sudden changes in friendships and relationships
  • Meeting new people who feel like soul family
  • Nonlinear thought processes, understanding the nature of the universe, and receiving instant downloads of knowledge that it’s hard to articulate to others
  • Spontaneous outbursts of light language
  • Spontaneous urge to move the body or dance
  • Strong urge to leave the planet and go “home”
  • Buzzing and a spinning sensation in the chakras and energy centres
  • Seeing auras, orbs, and other light phenomena
  • Seeing faces in rocks, nature, and even physical clairvoyance, clairaudience, such as spirit audibly shouting in your ear
  • Heightened gut feeling, claircognizance, clear knowing, such as a strong feeling not to get on a train or bus and later discovering the train or bus was in an accident, and so on.

On top of all this, with my Sun in Libra and my Moon in dreamy Pisces, staying in my centre is already a challenge; however, in the midst of this heightened energetic training ground, my Archangels and guides taught me a handy centering and grounding process that I will share with you below. I call it the Seed of Light Process.

đồ họa đăng ký nội tâm

The Seed of Light Process

(Editor's Note: Before starting this meditation, affirm (set your intention) that only love and positive energy may enter your presence and space.)

How to Ground, Rebalance, and Centre Yourself in Your Own Energy:

Close your eyes, and center your awareness in your belly, just behind your navel.

Imagine a seed of pure diamond light shaped like a tiny Vesica Piscis (upright almond shape) located there.

With your imagination and intention, begin to pull all of your energy and awareness into the seed of light.

Shrink yourself down so that you become a tiny speck of light within the seed.

Keep shrinking and pulling all your energy inward and, as you do so, consciously let go and release yourself from the outer world and universe.

See any cords or grids of energy being released, and feel them leave you as you become so small they can no longer attach.

See, feel, and imagine that no one else’s energy, feelings, thoughts, agendas, or intentions can touch you or influence you any more.

Set the intention that you are completely disengaging from the matrix of this dimension now and returning to your pure, sovereign, innocent state within.

Imagine you are entirely within that tiny seed of light, and see it spinning around you like an atom of pure source energy.

Now, in one breath, pull yourself backward and into the void, the darkness of pre-creation.

Find yourself within a velvety-black, inky void, like a safe womb space.

Rest for a moment here, and let yourself breathe absolute stillness in this secure sanctuary.

When you feel ready, set the intention for how you want to feel in your world—safe, grounded, protected, joyful, and so on. Whatever emotions and feelings would help you survive in the outer world, you create here in the unmanifest.

Next, in one flash of light, feel these positive emotions filling you up and exploding from the void, expanding with your awareness through your body and out into the wider world and the whole universe.

Like a “big bang” explosion of positive emotion, you now reclaim your world as a powerful creatrix of your own outer experience by choosing the emotions and sensations you wish to feel within your daily life.

Claim your world, and feel centered and powerful.

Return your awareness to your navel, and let the energies settle around you like a diamond cloak of protection.

See this cloak forming into a silver-diamond lining around your whole body, sealing your energy fields in a powerful protection, so that only love and positive energy may enter.

Place your right index finger to your lips as though in a suỵt gesture to seal your space.

Mở mắt ra.

Bản quyền 2022. Mọi quyền được bảo lưu.
Điều chỉnh với sự cho phép của nhà xuất bản,
Findhorn Press, một dấu ấn của InsideTraditions.com.

Nguồn bài viết:

SÁCH: Archangel Alchemy Healing

Archangel Alchemy Healing: The Celestial Science in the Vibration of the Universe
by Alexandra Wenman.

book cover of Archangel Alchemy Healing by Alexandra Wenman.Archangel Alchemy is an angelic energy healing system that aligns you with the angelic kingdom and allows you to connect with your purest divine blueprint. Providing meditations, invocations, channeled guidance, and healing practices, Alexandra Wenman shows you how to tap into your own magical and healing gifts by experiencing and embodying angelic qualities and vibrations.

With numerous practical applications, this comprehensive guide enables anyone to harness the power of angelic energies to heal, harmonize, and fully align with your soul purpose.

Để biết thêm thông tin và / hoặc đặt mua cuốn sách này, nhấn vào đây .  Cũng có sẵn dưới dạng Sách nói và ấn bản Kindle. 

Lưu ý

ảnh của Alexandra WenmanAlexandra Wenman là một thiên thần giao tiếp tài năng, nhà giả kim tâm linh, kênh, người chữa bệnh, nhà thơ và người thuyết trình. Cựu biên tập viên của Tạp chí Dự đoán, cô ấy là người sáng lập ra Precious Wisdom Alchemy và là người tạo ra Buổi biểu diễn của Alexandra Wenman trên Youtube.